Mindfulness workshops, yoga, meditation, cd’s, books, classes, courses – for some reason not everyone just naturally falls into a space of deep peace when they make efforts to practice mindfulness. As a yoga and meditation teacher and psychotherapist Aisling Uí Riada has worked and practiced with people for over twelve years in the area of mindfulness. It’s a vast field, seemingly simple and yet deeply complex. Why don’t we all just slot into the same boxes? Why is it so difficult to have clarity and how is it that everyones experience is so different?
We are all unique and individual and some people are drawn more to kinesthetic, visual or auditory stimulation. We all have different life experiences and therefore have individual habit patterns of the mind. Aisling offers one to one counseling sessions to support people in understanding their own patterns and helps them to find their unique ways that create a sense of inner peace or calm, whether coming from an anxious, fearful or stressful backgrounds.
This work can help the individual to get a greater sense of who they are and how they work. Ultimately this is empowering for people and they can gain a sense of control or a way to work within their own mind frame. With over fifteen years of study and practice, Aisling has a large set of techniques and tools to work in a variety of ways with people from all walks of life. Cost is 60E per session, with a recommended course of six to eight sessions. For those with deeper life long issues, they may naturally seek longer term therapy, which is also available. Aisling is based in a beautiful space in Merchants Rd in Galway City Centre. For more details contact 087-6722395 or check http://optimumhealth.ie/galway-counselling-and-psychotherapy/.